
scalaとかplayframeworkとか。技術ブログにしたいなと。環境は Windows7x64, mac です。たまに声優さん情報が混ざります。最近ちょっとClojure触りました。


Scala Akka 適当訳

http://doc.akka.io/api/akka/2.0/akka/actor/Actor.html Actor base trait that should be extended by or mixed to create an Actor with the semantics of the 'Actor Model': http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actor_model ActorのベースtraitはActor Model…

Scala Akka 適当訳

http://doc.akka.io/api/akka/2.0/akka/actor/ActorSystem$.html def apply (name: String): ActorSystem Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name, obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current threads' getContextClassL…

Scala Akka メモ

http://doc.akka.io/api/akka/2.0/akka/actor/ActorSystem.html An actor system is a hierarchical group of actors which share common configuration, e.g. dispatchers, deployments, remote capabilities and addresses. It is also the entry point fo…

【メモ】【akka 2.3】【playframework】簡単なサンプル

Actor の作成 import akka.actor.Akka class MessageActor extends Actor { def receive = { case msg: String => { play.Logger.info(msg) } } } 別のところ val system = ActorSystem("MessageSystem") val messageactor = system.actorOf(Props[MessageAk…


【Sample】 http://alvinalexander.com/scala/simple-scala-akka-actor-examples-hello-world-actors【参考】 http://white-azalea.hatenablog.jp/entry/20130406/1365232770Sticking Places(初回生産限定盤)アーティスト: スフィア出版社/メーカー: ミュー…

【メモ】【akka 2.3】Props

PropsProps is a configuration class to specify options for the creation of actors, think of it as an immutable and thus freely shareable recipe for creating an actor including associated deployment information (e.g. which dispatcher to use…